Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 2 Personal Analysis I Am a Pioneer

Module 2 Personal Analysis I Am a Pioneer

Q This assignment provides an opportunity for you use your imagination and the historical facts discussed in Module 1 and Module 2 readings. Imagine yourself as an early aviation pioneer, it can be in any aspect of aviation you chose (Examples: an engineer, pilot, business owner, mechanic, etc.). You can be anyone you wish to portray. Develop a written post of at least 400 to 450 words that explains your interests as this pioneer, how you developed your invention and/or ideas, and how you may have learned from contemporary competitors (provide specific details). You may utilize any lens: historic, scientific, technological, engineering, and math. Use (and cite in current APA format) at least one primary source in your analysis. A primary source is a first-person account such as a diary, a letter, or an autobiography. After posting your analysis, read your classmates' posts. Optional: Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts.

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I am an early aviation pioneer who has been specializing in being an aircraft designer/engineer. There has been inspiration gained from Robert Esnault-Pelterie because of the manned glider being introduced by him. I have learned to differentiate between the two ailerons which have been designed to control the glider (Cropley, 2019). I think that the air-pressure on both the ailerons and the individual pressures of the ailerons will always have to be comprehended by me to design a better glider.